So the Friday after Evie was due she was still happily ensconced and I had a doctor’s appointment to check the progress (aka, to see whether the cervix was at all dilated). For your amusement, here is the email I sent to my coworkers shortly after my appointment:
From: Hanna
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 1:45 PM
Subject: Baby report
So today’s baby report is that I almost strangled the OB/GYN I saw today. He came in, sat down, and asked me “So why are you still pregnant?” GAH! After giving him the evil eye for a moment I told him I have a very stubborn daughter. This was the same OB/GYN who told me three weeks ago that I had a ‘very unexciting cervix.’ His sense of humor is odd. His bravery in joking with huge, grumpy, pregnant women is extraordinary.
The good news is that I DID get my 1 cm back. The bad news is that I ONLY got my 1 cm back. *grumpy* If I make it that long I will be induced at 9am on Black Friday. My poor kids are doomed to be holiday babies.
So this weekend I will be cleaning my whole house, making JD take me out for a steak dinner, going shopping for comfy button-down clothes, and power walking the whole Worcester-Millbury bike trail. I also might drink one (or several) of the following things:
o Glass of wine (per Cynthia)
o Beer (per Mom)
o Raspberry tea (per Mims)
If baby is still happily ensconced on Monday I will be back at work, burning up the VPN. :)
For added amusement (and a little more context) here is the slightly edited version I sent to my friends and family:
From: Hanna
Sent: Fri 11/20/2009 4:00 PM
Subject: TMI email on baby status
So I thought I’d share. I don’t remember if I told you, but my due date for the next little Cage was November 19th. Yesterday. Sigh. My doctor visits over the last month have shown that baby Evelyn is quite happy… and that is about it.
Due to timing I’ve seen three different OB/GYN docs in the past four weeks.
o The first one examined me and said “You have a very unexciting cervix. See you next week.” (???)
o The second one (my usual doctor) said “You are one cm dilated!” (Yay!)
o The third one said “Nope, no dilation at all.” (wtf?)
o The fourth one said “Why are you still pregnant?” (*growl*)
Not surprisingly, the ‘unexciting cervix’ and the ‘why are you still pregnant’ were from the same guy. His sense of humor is odd. His bravery in joking with huge, grumpy, pregnant women is extraordinary.
The good news is that I DID get my 1 cm back. The bad news is that I ONLY got my 1 cm back. *grumpy*
So… any day now… or not… I’ll be sending you pics. At the very latest I have an appointment to be induced at 9am on black Friday. Poor kid.
So expect some kind of news, pics, or continuous b*tching, in the next week. :P